"...the whole Word to the whole World"

History of Redeemed People's Mission, Inc.

Redeemed People’s Mission Inc. is a church group with its headquarters in Jos Plateau state Nigeria. It has the vision of reaching the whole world with the whole word of God. It has achieved remarkable landmark input in this wise in the lives of men and women who have come into personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. What started out as a simple and singular act of faith in reaching the Northern part of Nigeria with the gospel of Jesus Christ, has become established and growing as the times go by. This is what obedience to the vision received from the Lord can produce. The general Superintendent of this Mission, rev. N.C. Thompson simply moved into an unknown project in obedience to the call placed on him having been saved by the Lord. From the insider account he has put down, it is a fulfillment of the scripture spoken by the Lord Jesus that “EXCEPT A CORN OF WHEAT FALLS TO THE GROUND AND DIES, IT ABIDETH ALONE. (John 12:24).

Falling to the ground and dying indeed, rev. Thompson has experienced this literally and his persistent and persevering spirit produced the results seen today as Redeemed People’s Mission. He has imparted men and women of life passion to build the church to its present level. It has grown from the Bible study group meeting twice a week, at different locations to a garri shed in Katako Laranto Jos from which Redeemed People’s Mission was born to the nine Districts and the National headquarters church, each with several churches under it today.

The challenges experienced have rather turned out to be the grounds of stability in the Mission, as everyone who has come out of these challenges found a great confidence to serve the Lord in this Mission as his/her duty post, training and serving faithfully. Lives touched and transformed having been delivered from darkness into the light of the son of god remains the evidence that this Mission is BORN OF GOD AND OVERCOMETH THE WORLD… (1 John 5:4).

Redeemed People’s Mission formally kicked off as “Redeemed People’s Mission” on 5th June, 1977 after separating from FGS on 29th May, 1977.

Inauguration of organs of RPM.